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Text management

Just like the minilibx, the MacroLibX supports texts rendering using mlx_string_put and some functions to load fonts.

🖊️ Text rendering

To render any text with the MacroLibX we only need to use mlx_string_put like so :

#include "MacroLibX/includes/mlx.h"
int main(void)
void* mlx = mlx_init();
void* win = mlx_new_window(mlx, 400, 400, "Hello world!");
// drawing "this is my text" at 200;210, in white
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 200, 210, 0xFFFFFFFF, "this is my text");
/* loop, cleanup, ... */

🔤 Using fonts

The MacroLibX is also capable of using custom fonts (as long as it is a TTF) given by the user. To do so, we can use mlx_set_font and mlx_set_font_scale.

The difference between thoses are that mlx_set_font_scale allows the user to scale the font as he/she wants.

We can even use several fonts in the same frame :

#include "MacroLibX/includes/mlx.h"
int main(void)
void* mlx = mlx_init();
void* win = mlx_new_window(mlx, 400, 400, "Hello world!");
mlx_set_font(mlx, win, "/path/to/my/awesome/font.ttf");
// Now all texts will be rendered using font.ttf
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 200, 210, 0xFFFFFFFF, "this is my text");
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 100, 10, 0xFFFE5FFF, "MacroLibX > all");
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 300, 50, 0xFFFF00FF, "42angouleme");
mlx_set_font(mlx, win, "/path/to/my/awesome/another_font.ttf");
// Now all texts will be rendered using another_font.ttf
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 0, 20, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Akel");
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 300, 210, 0xFFFE5FFF, "vim > vscode");
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 200, 310, 0xFFFF00FF, "vvaas est mauvais");
mlx_set_font_scale(mlx, win, "/path/to/my/awesome/font.ttf", 16.0f);
// Now all texts will be rendered using font.ttf but scaled at 16 pixels height
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 200, 210, 0xFFFFFFFF, "kroussar > kiroussa");
mlx_string_put(mlx, win, 100, 10, 0xFFFE5FFF, "i use arch btw");
/* loop, cleanup, ... */

And if we want to use the default font again, we can pass "default" as the font path (and we can scale it too).